Wang Ying’s Case

日期: 2020-12-15

“Garbage siege” has become the current obstacle and weakness for urban sustainable development, and each city government tries to innovate waste management model fit for them. Yuhang District of Hangzhou City’s “Huge Recycle” model opened a new path of private enterprises deeply involved in municipal waste management. “Huge Recycle” built a government-led municipal waste collaborative governance mechanism that enterprises, social organizations and residents all participate in, and solved the problems such as difficulty in residents’ garbage classification, high cost of disposal and transportation, and difficulty in terminal garbage disposal. Through an in-depth interpretation of the “Huge Recycle”, this case analyzed the role positioning of different participants in this model: “guide”-Yuhang district government, “doer”-Huge Recycle, “educator”-public service organizations, “beneficiary”-the public and “promoter”-governments of all levels, analyzed their interaction mechanisms, identified the internal logic of its operation and verified the innovativeness and replicability of this model.


Keywords: waste disposal; renewable resources; market-oriented operation; leading enterprises; collaborative governance

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